Monday, August 19, 2013

Stories in 140 characters: Publishing micronarratives through Twitter

A couple of months ago I decided to do a little experiment on Twitter. The result was a great success. The experiment became Figuras en Vidrio, a collection of micronarratives in Spanish that were published hourly during a whole day through Twitter.

Now, it's time to do the same thing. Only in English.

Here's the plan.

This Friday, August 24th 2013, I plan on posting a series of micronarratives through Twitter, one every hour, starting on 8:00 AM EST. For twelve hours, I will post these stories through my personal Twitter account (@PeteValle) and this blog's account (@SynesSines) using the #micronarrative hashtag. 

From my previous experiment, I discovered this was rather challenging. But also really fun. I hope you join me on this adventure. And I also hope you participate by writing your own micronarratives and posting them using the #micronarrative hashtag.

Let's go have fun.

PS: Apologies for not posting anything during the summer. I was rather busy. But, we're back!